Stone Axe didn't sneak into my musical landscape like so many favorites have- they crashed the doors down and tore shit up! My intro was Tony Reed's opening riff of Nightwolf- it grabbed my attention by the throat, then Dru Brinkerhoff's vocal sliced through my brain like a hot knife opening my mind to something primal. When the drums kicked in, I leaned back smiling, satisfied, inspired, clutching my headphones so nothing could escape unheard, my head shaking with a "HELL YEAH!" I didn't even mind the fade-out- which I typically loathe on a great song. But when it was over I had that moment of thought: 'was it a fluke?' Before I heard it, I read it was Tony Reed's cover of his own song originally done with Mos Generator but here with Dru on vocals, so I wondered 'was that just for the Heavy Ripples single or was that real?' Then I clicked Riders Of The Night. As soon as it started- I knew HELL YEAH, THIS SHIT IS FUCKING REAL!!! It had to be my next purchase, so I sampled no further.
There's no frills here and there doesn't need to be- just rib-stickin' rock & roll played the way it used to be. If you loved the artistry and spirit of 70's heavy metal, you owe it to yourself to check these guys out.
This is a single black disc in a plain white sleeve, with a lyrics sheet, packaged in a single pocket jacket.
Stone Axe online.
Order from Ripple Music.
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